breast health

Uterine Fibroids: The Disease All Women Need To Know About

In recent years, interventional radiology has been used to treat uterine fibroids in a minimally invasive and very safe way. This is done through Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), which is a safe and effective non-surgical option for women to consider when dealing with uterine fibroids. Before we explain what UFE is and how it works, it’s important to ask the question: “what are uterine fibroids?”

How Breast Density Determines The Best Breast Screening Test

At Bay Imaging Consultants, we stress the importance of regular mammograms and breast screenings. While mammograms are the standard for breast imaging, factors may play a role into whether or not additional imaging tests are needed.  Breast MRI and ultrasound are often suggested for women at risk of breast cancer, which includes women with high breast density. Here’s a closer look at how breast density affects which screening test is best for you.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Signs & Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, making it a very real threat to women worldwide. The first step to fighting breast cancer is knowing the signs and symptoms of the disease – here’s where to start.  

Staying Aware Of Breast Cancer In Men

Although breast cancer is extremely rare in men, it can also affect them. Lack of awareness makes breast cancer extremely dangerous for men, who often do not consider their symptoms to be signs of breast cancer until the disease is more advanced. This is why we wanted to take a moment to discuss breast cancer in men, including which risk factors and symptoms to be aware of.