heart disease

10 Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy: How To Prevent Heart Disease

It’s much easier to prevent illness than to recover from it. Lifestyle changes you make now could mean all the difference later in life. February is American Heart Month, meant to spread awareness & action about the causes, treatment, and prevention of heart disease. That’s why we’re kicking the month off with 10 ways to keep your heart happy & free of heart disease!

8 Foods That Are Good For Your Heart

Not all foods are created equal, and there are certain food items that can actually have a huge impact on strengthening your heart and promoting long-term heart health! Here are some great options to incorporate into your diet:

Top 5 Risk Factors For Heart Disease

The heart disease statistics are staggering, and while there isn’t always a way to change genetically predisposed risk factors for heart disease, there are risk factors for heart disease associated with lifestyle choices that can radically increase your odds of developing a cardiovascular disease. Here are the top 5 risk factors for heart disease, that you can actually do something about.

Heart Disease Prevention: 5 Ways To Protect Your Heart

Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States? Unfortunately, heart disease is highly preventable which is why February is dedicated to spreading awareness about preventing this common killer. You can save your loved ones by encouraging them to look after their heart during this month of love and throughout the year. Here are 5 tips you can recommend to the ones you love: