what is an xray

How To Prepare Your Child For An X-Ray

Typically, children feel unnerved when they're told they need to undergo a mysterious X-ray. So, what can you do as their parent? Here are some great tactics that are geared towards putting your child in the driver seat and not only educating them that x-rays don’t hurt. They also help children to understand that the worst of what to expect (you have to hold still when they tell you) and build their comfort level as an x-ray expert.

5 Interesting Facts About X-Rays

X-rays are popular imaging scans that are used every day to diagnose various medical issues within patients. While these scans may be well known, their interesting history is certainly not. I know what you’re thinking, “You’re a radiology group, you’re being biased. X-rays aren’t interesting.” We’re ready to prove you wrong – here’s 5 interesting facts about X-rays that you’ll want to pass along to your friends.

BICRAD Is Now A RadiologyInfo.org Affiliate!

radiology info affiliates, medical imaging

At BICRAD, we always pride ourselves in our quality care, board certified radiologists and dedicated to delivering patients the experience that they deserve. In order to continually enhance our private radiology group’s mission of providing quality care, we are always searching for ways to provide more for our patients. Whether it’s meticulously selecting qualified, board certified radiologists or surrounding our radiology group with other industry leaders in the radiology field. We want to be in great company and ensure that we are always at the top of our game. So, we’re excited to announce that BICRAD is an official Radiologyinfo.org affiliate!

What Is Radiologyinfo.org?

If you have tried searching for any medical imaging resources online, then you have most likely come into contact with this esteemed website. Radiologyinfo.org is an incredible resource for the online community that provides accurate and informative descriptions of any medical imaging procedures: X-raysMRIsBreast Ultrasounds, etc. Not only does this website provide procedure descriptions, but also includes standard preparations for each exam, what you will experience, and more.

Radiologyinfo.org aims to be a reliable, credible resource for anyone that will be undergoing a procedure or simply is interested in learning more. All of the information on this website is reviewed by experts in the field of radiology from the ACR and RSNA, as well as other professional radiology organizations. Typically, the internet isn’t a reliable place and who’s to say if what you’re reading is accurate? Cue radiologyinfo.org.

What does this mean for BICRAD?

At BICRAD, we offer information on all of the procedures we offer on our website. You can glance through our pages, but if there is any information that you are searching for and cannot find, head over to our affiliate's website. We fully trust Radiologyinfo.org to provide qualified information for over 200 procedures. Becoming affiliated with this resourceful website simply enables peace of mind for us and our patients–you will always be able to access valuable and reliable information online. Check our Radiologyinfo.org website to begin your informative quest!