Charles Samson Munn, M.D., FACR
Body Imaging & Women’s Imaging
Board Certification
Board certified in the U.S. (Diagnostic Radiology), England (Clinical Radiology), and Ireland (Radiology)
A.B. University of California, Berkeley
Medical School
M.D. Boston University
Internal Medicine, Boston City Hospital.
Radiology, Tufts / New England Medical Center / Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center
Imaging (diagnostic radiology, CT and ultrasound), Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center
Samson Munn, M.D., FACR, is an experienced radiologist: a former Vice Chair and Associate Professor on the East Coast, Professor and Vice Chair on the West Coast, Department Chair, and hospital Medical Staff President. Primarily a thoracoabdominal and breast imager, he will be interpreting mostly mammograms, general ultrasound, and plain radiographs, full-time here at Bay Imaging. Married to a former hospital and university architect turned poet. Daughter graduated Berkeley in 2023, and son anticipated to do so in 2026. A Fulbright Specialist in Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Samson has additional interests in intensive, interpersonal, group dialogue post-Holocaust (or other settings of heinous human behavior), and in museum-exhibiting paintings by École de Paris artists of the 1930s and late 1920s.